Tonite is Iedul Fitri night. If it is me several years ago, I will surely celebrate it with all of family instead of being alone in my room writing on my blog.. and sleep

But now all are changed. I don't know what has happened in me or what has happened with the value of holidays, I just feel it's fine to be completely alone in this kind of night.
I'm not even complaining when I need to take care the house.

What makes me sad is only what my babyblue said to me: "I feel sad for you bb, it's not because that you're alone or what, it's because I feel that you don't celebrate it."

I do celebrate it. In my own way. Yeah.. at least that's what I'm believing.
Come on, I've been striving to hold all of my desires for about almost 30 days, and when it's all over I'm not celebrating it?? What am I? A nuts?!
This is the problem with our society.

Things are just made complicated. Why couldn't we live as what our heart says? If we like it take it if not then don't.
To me, life's so simple. Choices are only yes or no.

Apparently, this is my curse yet my bless. I can always take fast move whenever urgent things happen, but most of the time, my move is not good ones so I need to rewind it over and over again.
This actually reflects on my writing here. It doesn't written smoothly.
Sorry for that, I keep on learning XD

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