Friday, November 30, 2012


Saya sudah jengah

Dengan apa-apa yang tak bisa kucegah

Mereka bilang jangan menyerah, tapi hati ini kadung resah

Pecah, berserak serupa mirat merefleksi sandikala penghujung senja

Ah, lagipula kehendak sudah tandas

Tak perlu sajak untuk pemantas

Saya bicara lugas, biar semua puas

Tuesday, November 27, 2012


The world is deep and my past life is only a can of expired memory

Rekuiem Kupu-kupu Kaca
(Buat Kriapur)

Barangkali kupu-kupu belum genap menjadi kaca
Sebab lukamu terlalu muda
Betapapun surga tinggal dongeng yang terkantuk-kantuk di beranda
Aku masih juga percaya pada guratan mantra-mantra
yang kaupahat pada riak segara

Sementara kota telah lama menjelma kadaver yang terus berbiak
Billboard ngoceh soal setumpuk mimpi yang mesti dibeli
Tabung-tabung kaca menumpulkan aksara
Fajar sekadar menggulirkan senja
(Pernahkah pedihmu in absensia?)

Bung, bumi ini telah begitu asing
Aku menunggu jasadku menjadi kaca …

a poem of my brilliant "hipster" friend

Saturday, November 24, 2012

my life in summary

Bangka Belitung island from above, so blue and so green.. Set aside the miserable life I'm having here, Bangka Belitung is a paradise!
Idang Rasjidi, a jazz maestro from Bangka who protest government to include musician as a profession in Indonesia, that is why he showed me his Id card to let media know that he is the only one in Indonesia whose id card written "musician" as a job. He is my new favorite!

One of his wisdom words are:
"if someone want to win, let him be, for you who gave him the victory"
My hair grows long and looooong, I like it!
Musim duren! Durian season.. yummm!!
The Chung Yi kung fu boys and take a short break before a "hot" covering featuring that young lady singer.. forget her name, but she's so famous here.
Traveling like a boss! Yes, that time I traveled alone to Belitung island.. what a nice view from my hotel room.
Liking back my Levi's glasses. Making me looks like Arale Norimaki
That is Arale Norimaki, looks same right? LOL

Musim mangga. Manggo season. Remind me of someone, *sigh*
Go museum.. yes, the museum mostly displays the shipwreck treasury in Bangka Belitung sea

the fish tale

a random talking with a friend of mine tonite on facebook chat..

me  : dude, check out a cute guy who used to be my school mate in junior high!
frnd: *clicking on the link i gave her* yea, he's yummy!
me  : ugh! f!! he's married already, why do the good ones always taken?
frnd: don't worry, there are a lot fish in the sea.. so chill!
me  : but, the thing is..
frnd: what?
me  : the thing is, i can not swim. *or good at fishing*
me  :

true story!

negri di senja: Kita (kesekian)

negri di senja: Kita (kesekian): Kita memang terpisahkan oleh bilik jendela. "Engkau adalah kedekatan yang terasa jauh. Sangat jauh," katamu, suatu hari. Selama kita masi...

what a beautiful yet touchy story, i really need to re-blog this. One of my favorite lines is: "You are the far closeness." Beautifully written..