Thursday, May 31, 2012

Hey June!

Seven days in sunny June
Were long enough to bloom
The flowers on the summer dress you wore in spring
The way we laughed as one 

 Yeah, it will definitely be like that baby..

Monday, May 28, 2012

keep tht smile, IDA!!!!

 Behind that smile...> This was the real emotion I felt.. SOMEBODY, HELPPPP!!!! I'm tired of this.

dua gelas kopi di hari hujan dan keramahan warga bali

That was the story of two glasses of coffees on rainy day and the warm hospitality of Balinese. I'll post about this later, but they are really good..


Those are happy faces of the newly graduated high schooler in this island. They looked so happy, such a shame they don't know what cruel life waiting for them out there. MUWAHAHHAHHAAHAHAA.. *evil laugh!* No, I was just kiddin! Congrats to u guys and thank you for that short interview. Wellcome to real world and at least, real world is much better than HIGH SCHOOL!!
I meant that! High school is a hell on earth, well, not that harsh, but just..But yeah.. you know what I meant..
I'm trying to be a photo journalist but all I took was pictures of myself, LOL
And this one also, look how I was so pretentious with that camera as if I know what I was doing, hihi..


Couple days ago I have the episode of "drama" in my life. Why so? The story was started with horrible morning I had one day. Then I tried to drag my body altogether with my mind to a small stuffy and stale place called "office".

Then the day went by.. I went out with my co worker we met, I don't remember who we interviewed that day, but for sure the meeting didn't brighten my day.

On that hot and sultry day, I went back to office, turning on that half-broken air conditioner and sitting down in front of 14 inch flat monitor screen pc.

Then I started to write all I can digest from the interview. And there was he, my boss.. sitting next to me, we had casual chit-chat full of his courtesy and my suddenly-built-up-politness manner towards someone who has higher power than me.

Then suddenly he said to me, subtlety that I will be moved to another place far away from the crowd as he said we need more people to handle that place to cover the news.

Due to my hormonal rush and a bloody unwanted YM text coming from someone I never expect, my first reaction was shudder, then I bursted into tears, and I shouted.

"I don't want to be here!" I cried. "I'm not belong here." "I wanna go home!"

Then my boss was shocked.

It was a very awkward and unprofessional situation that has ever happened to me, believe me, I've never shouted and cried in front of any seniors of mine.

He tried to calm me down. He said he would not move me and let me decide as I would be most comfortable. He said he understood my situation. And he let me go back home for a month.


Now, to think it again.. I felt so embarrassed. But I don't regret it. In fact, I felt relieved. I had let it all out. All of the feelings that was buried in me like an iceberg finally starts to melt.
God, please give me some strength to face more and more "havoc".

PS: God, I'm sorry calling your test as a havoc because I really cannot stand it God.. I'm so sorry. I beg for your mercy

Just kidding

"Just kidding" is just an excuse to not get in trouble for something that you really wanted to say.

KEMAL ASI, it really is! I will elaborate you my postulate, sometimes, somehow, later on..

But I do sometimes use that words as an excuse to cover up what was the first thing come up to my mind when I was asked to tell the truth. That was what I'm thinkin..
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Sunday, May 27, 2012

lempah kuning berlimpah

Lempah Kuning merupakan makanan khas masyarakat Kota Pangkalpinang, Bangka Belitung pada umumnya dan merupakan makanan utama dalam keluarga dan masyarakat.

Lempah kuning adalah nama kuahnya, dagingnya bisa berupa ikan, daging sapi atau ayam, bahkan ceker spt yg ada di gambar, rasanya pedassssss, g cocok bwt saya 

Well, lempah itu artinya sayur! Jadi, di sini ada juga yang disebut lempah darat yang berisi sayur-sayuran seperti daun katuk dan,,, entahlah apa namanya, mirip rebung, talas, atau jamur, belacan atau terasi dan cabai, tapi itu tidak pedas dan rasanya cukup enak, I'll post picts sometimes later.

seafood mahal tapi enak

ini satu lagi masakan pedas nan mahal di Bangka, cumi goreng saus padang.. seporsi Rp70 ribu
sangat nikmat disantap setelah perjalanan jauh dari luar kota

red blooded moon on vesakh day

pasakan harga selangittttt

Roti bakar ini harganya Rp10 ribu, kalau di Juanda Jakarta Rp5 ribu udah dapet keju setebel2 gambreng

Nasi goreng Rp30 ribu tanpa rasa, cuma ikan asin doang Do'h! kesel maknnya juga

the famous mie koba

MIE KOBA ini enak, kuahnya kuah ikan dan ada sayurnya, saya suka. harganya juga cukup rasional buat kantong perantau seperti saya Rp15 ribu saja!!
Sedikit mengenai KOBA, Koba adalah sebuah kecamatan di Kabupaten Bangka Tengah. Jaraknya kira-kira sejauh 55 km ke arah tenggara akan membawa kita ke kota Koba. Nama "Koba" berasal dari pohon asam koba,dahulu di daerah ini terdapat pohon asam koba tertua.

Sekitar 20 km sebelum Koba, rute perjalanan melintasi kawasan pantai utara pulau Bangka dengan tebaran pohon kelapa menghiasi di sepanjang pandangan ke arah kiri, khas pemandangan indah di pesisir. Sedangkan di sisi kanan jalan umumnya adalah dataran terbuka dengan semak dan perkebunan seperti karet dan kelapa sawit dan sahang atau lada. *I'll post the picts later*

Mie Koba yang yeah secamam mie kuah ini cara penyajiannya mirip tukang bakso. Bahan utama mie dan asesorinya ditebar di atas piring lalu diguyur dengan kuah panas. Memang agak berbeda dengan menu bakmi rebus yang juga berkuah, yang kalau kita pesan baru akan diracikkan, direbus lalu disajikan dalam piring, dilengkapi dengan asesori suwiran atau potongan daging ayam.

Mula-mula seonggok kecambah ditaruh di atas piring, lalu mie kuning diletakkan di atasnya, setelah itu  diguyur kuah panas, baru ditaburi irisan daun seledri dan bawang goreng. Tanpa daging ayam, tanpa bakso, tanpa nasi.

Ketika disajikan, maka dari aroma uap panas kuahnya saja sudah mengundang selera. Aromanya khas, karena kuahnya diramu dengan kayu manis dengan takaran yang pas. YUMMmzz!!

carnival on Sungailiat Town anniversary

One of the carnival participants.. she's so sadistically pretty right? like pretty but sadistic. But I really like her expression, like full with suspicious yet innocent. Like questioning the world but with beauty, ah.. u knw what I meant,, or not!

This is laskar pelangi drum band group! I love their uni color, so cheerful and so the boys. They're so charming and spiritfull!. They play IWAK PEYEK song for me with that flute and stuff

In the middle of the riot. Yeah, that was the spirit boys!

It was just another hot day in Bangka island but those boys' skin are fair still, not min. I get darker and darker being there..

One of lil girl i know there, she sang "cublak-cublak suweng" for me. Ohh, I really wanted to grab your cendol ice at that time, if only you know lil poor girl

The amoy's parade, Chinese girls from Bangka island, they're pretty!