Saturday, January 29, 2011

Real Torture

When movies and other popular culture media expose that teenager phase-especially high school is the hardest time in most people life, well.. they don't really MEAN it!!

It's all crap!!

The reality is, when you get in your twenties, that is the real torture!

In your twenties, people expect you to start your own life with sparkling success in your career. And when you don't, they will lose their faith in you. They will not trust your quality like for the rest of your life. And you will try so hard to meet that expectation so that you will forget your own dream and desire to live. All you have in your mind is how to please others instead of pursue your own happiness.

Well, yeah.. for sure, life's so easy when you get all of the potential like good educational background, good connections, and even good looking of your physical appearance. But if you don't have all of those, life will squeezes you down till your last blood's drop! But luckily,, you are still young so that when you run out of blood, new blood will be always reproduced :P

Ok, what I'm trying to say is.. take in more vitamin A to get healthy blood. NO!! JK!!

To me, no matter how hard the world pushes us down, we still have chances to raise up because we're still young. Well, maybe this is the answer why God decided to create twenties. He wants to witness struggle in human's life. God did this to us only because He knows we can!! So, young fellas, RAISE UP!!

Tuesday, January 25, 2011


So,, Indonesia's first crop circles was discovered in a rice field by a farmer on January 23,in Sleman, Yogyakarta.

Bersamaan dengan penemuan ini, berkembang banyak sekali spekulasi mengenai asal muasal galur-galur geometris yang ada di sawah salah seorang petani di Yogyakarta ini, mulai dari perbuatan manusia iseng, hasil karya jin atau yang paling populer adalah hasil buatan alien dengan pesawat UFO mereka. Yeah, walaupun para ilmuwan nasional telah menyatakan bahwa crop circles ini adalah buatan MANUSIA.

Berdasarakan apa yang saya baca di FOX news story, formasi dari crop circles ini mirip dengan "muladhara chakra. Well, saya tidak tahu pasti apa itu  "muladhara chakra" tapi setelah saya Googling,  "muladhara chakra" adalah elemen pertama dari tujuh elemen utama dalam Tantrisme Hindu (please do correct me if I'm wrong ^^)

Muladhara dianggap sebagai dasar chakra, dan merupakan dasar transendental alam fisik. Yeah, saya juga tidak begitu paham soal ini. Seperti yang terlihat pada gambar di atas, Muladhara digambarkan memiliki empat kelopak layaknya bunga. Keempat kelopak tersebut sesuai dengan keadaan psikologis seperti; sukacita terbesar, kesenangan alami, pengendalian nafsu, dan kebahagiaan dalam konsentrasi. Apapun maknanya, saya rasa Muladhara ini bagus untuk manusia.

Kembali lagi pada asal muasal pembuatan crop circles ini, saya pribadi, AKHIRNYA tidak percaya kalau crop circles ini buatan ALIEN dari planet manapun. Terlepas dari penemuan LAPAN atau apa, saya rasa ini tidak masuk akal. Saya tidak pernah bisa paham kemungkinan seperti apa yang memotivasi ALIEN untuk meninggalkan sebuah diagram raksasa di sawah. Yeah, orang-orang bilang alien ingin menyampaikan pesan pada penduduk bumi, tapi pesan macam apa dengan tanda seperti ini? Pemikiran saya memang sangat awam dan bukannya saya tidak percaya dengan adanya alien dan semacamnya, namun ini konyol sekali. 

Kalaupun alien ingin berkomunikasi dengan manusia-manusia bumi, bukankah akan lebih gampang bagi mereka untuk melakukannya lewat media lain yang lebih canggih dan efisien, toh menurut kabar, peradaban mereka jauh lebih canggih. Mereka bisa saja memikirkan cara yang lebih efisien ketimbang menggambari sawah orang. 

Oke, memang, saya sedang membayangkan film War of the Worlds lengkap dengan kemunculan massive pesawat alien nya, hehehe.. Well, no matter how, tetap saja ini mungkin adalah crop circle pertama yang dibuat di RICE FIELD ^__^

Sunday, January 23, 2011


What makes best friends? Is it only all about the fun and the hang outs?? NO. Best friends is people who you can trust your life with. They are not only random people you have good times with. They must be people you can call when the most amazing things happen in your life, and when the most horrific times happen too.

I am so lucky to have best friends. Sharing with people who I can confide in with my all types of stories is just relieving. And for that, I would like to say thank you to all of my best friends. Thanks for keeping up with me and my attitudes. Yeahh, I know I'm so much to handle (-__-!)


Good friends will always stand side by side in any kind of situations..

And you will never know where you'll find them.. Let the destiny leads your way to them.

Best friends are more than any BFF rings. It is deeper than that. But I just love the ringssss!! 
They're so cute and so affordable, yeah, that's what I call friendship.. LOL

Best friends will put smiles on your face and your heart.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

NAIVE or just an IDIOT??!!

I used to believe in the perfect society.

Once I chatted with one of my friends, and I told her that I despised people who cheat on their grade. I meant, it is publicly known that in my university, some people payed to get a good grade. And I hate that fact. Then my friend told me that things like that is common practice in our society today.

And when I told her that I just couldn't believe this, she told me like this;

If you, in your twenty something, still think that the world is still full with kindness and fairness, then you are NOT naive, but you are a complete IDIOT!!!


Yeah, maybe I'm just clueless idiot. I realize that I know nothing of this world and because of that, I sometimes think that people use me a lot. They just take advantages on me. And I'm just so helpless with this situation. I can do nothing with this.

That's why, I really want to have a good job that can give me a chance to live ALONE, very far from my family so that I can learn so much from this world. GIVE ME A JOBBBBB!!!!!! A good one, pleassssseeeeeeee!!

Yes, I really need to get away from my super protective mom and sisters so that I can learn how to cope with my own problems. Living with them, I realize that I only see the world in plain black and white. Gray areas don't exist!! That is the reason why I need to take my time out from my family. It's not like I am ungrateful or anything to live with my family, but I need my own space.

I know I sound like teenagers. This post is full of complaints and dissatisfaction without good solutions. But this is the reality. In my country; Indonesia, even if you are at your twenties and financially independent, your parents will keep you as near as they can with them, especially if you are a girl. They argue that the world is just too cruel to be faced. But that is the problems. Once we step our toes in the outside world, we just feel like aliens that unceasingly amazed with how things really works in SOCIETY (- -")

Monday, January 17, 2011

Ice Creammm!!

ice creammmm

I just can't believe this. Instead of writing inspiring paragraphs, I just putting more pictures in my blog. Ugh, maybe I'm a visual person rather than wordy person.. *gosh, I don;t even know whether my words is appropriate.

Well, after all, a picture says thousands words, right?? So, why would waste words to show what I have been through if a picture will do..

Thursday, January 13, 2011


When I first decided to do this blog, I planned that it would be great. I would write the deep and smart stuff just like many cool people does. But it just turned out to be the opposite. It's full with silly, shallow and narcissistic photographs craps. Gosh, what am I doing here.. What has happenned to me?

Am I loose my passion in writing things that are valuable? Or is it because of my habit in writing cheesy stuffs when I was a content writer that makes me this way? 

To be honest, firstly, with this blog, I intended to make people see this world is unfair. There are so many unfairness in this world, I used to hope to open people's eyes to see that kind of things through my blog. But look what this blog ends up? Instead of talking about gender equality or the future of the united nations, I was just busied with pictures and poses (- -")

Well, it actually is not that bad. No matter how, this is the reflection of my life. Maybe I am not that deep, but I'm happy. But I swear to GOD, I'll make my next posts more sterling. Until that time,, keep on coming back here. ^__^

Tuesday, January 11, 2011


Last week I went to the zoo. Yeah, well. I obviously don't approve zoo-ing. Really, I never support the idea to put animals on the cages and people pay some money to witness their misery. It is just heart-breaking to me to think of such situation. But once again, human are just helpless. We don't know the best to do this things instead. So, what will be let it be.. Just don't lose hope in our better future. So, here are some of my captures on KEBUN BINATANG BANDUNG.

I like this shot,, the emotion is really felt. It really like one in comics..
In order to dive deeper into the water, crocodiles swallow small stones that increase their body weight.

Tigers have excellent binocular and color vision. The night vision of a tiger is 6 times better than humans. And way better than MINE!

Female and male black bears cannot tolerate being around each other except when they breed. Hmmm sounds familiar. Well, it's just another procreational story, LOL

Do you know that baby camels are born without a hump? The hump on the camel’s back is actually a lump of fat.

Elephants have a slower pulse of 27 and for a canary it is 1000!

Get up CHIMPZ! Do not be near the King's feet, okay!

Orangutans are very intelligent. They have been known to use found objects as tools. They use leaves as umbrellas to keep the rain from getting them wet. They also use leaves as cups to help them drink water.

Such an adorable pose.. LOL

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Cam Whore-ing at the Rooftop ^^V

Yes, the title itself is already pretty much explaining on what has happened. So, enjoy.. Ohh, I felt like I'm a super pictures capture-er, MUWAHAHHAHA.. Thanks for being my VICTIMS, I mean models girls ^^


Thursday, January 6, 2011

Dorks are HOTTT!!!

When people ask me about the physical type of guys I like, honestly.. my best answer is just like what I'll show you here. I like underdogs! Dorks are hot ^^

True, when we say DORKS, first things that come cross to our mind must be those nerd dudes with no social skills and not very attractive. But that is just what make them so special.

I don't know why but there's something about their clueless and innocent look. Well yeah, maybe I love the way they perceive the world that is different with others. Dorks set their own standard in valuing things and that what makes them so lovable.

#1: Paulie Bleeker.. who's not falling for this dude?? He's sweet, loyal, and fertile, LOL
#2: Adam Kira! I always love ASPIES. Aspies are mysterious and sweet <3
#3: Jonas Bjerre! He's my loveliest dork actually. I've ever seen him live. And his attitude is so soft. His motion is so gracefully between shyness and sweetness.

#4: Fregley!! Can't wait to see him grows older, stay dork-ey Fregley!! jajaja..
#5: Rajesh Koothrapalli, well yeah.. Indian guys are always HOT to me, LOL especially Raj, his awkwardness when meeting girls makes me melt.

#6: Erland Oye, his bluish eyes and musical genius is just enough for me!!
#7: Marshal Eriksen!! Nothing to say about this dude but cute, cute, and cutttteeee!! He's always good at games. He wins every games quirk-ly and oddly..

 and the list goes ON...

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

And the awesomeness goes on..

YAYYY!! Today is the movie day with my MEGAMIND friend.

Hari ini, saya pergi menemui seorang teman saya; si MEGAMIND. Well, yeah, ada sesuatu pada dirinya yang membuat saya memanggilnya begitu. Semua itu karena dia sangat jenius dalam merancanakan sebuah kejahatan, HAHHAHA.. No offends but she is!! She's so good at revenge actually. I learn a lot from her in getting even to someone who has put acids in my wound!

Dia sangat pintar. Literally PINTAR!! IPK-nya gedhe dan dia sangat pandai menulis, breaking the ideas into good lines and stuff. Mengobrol dengannya selalu memberi saya inspirasi dan membukakan pintu lain untuk memandang kehidupan ini. Dan kemarin hari ini adalah hari di mana saya mendapat pencerahan baru lainnya dari si MEGAMIND ini.
Oke. Kami memulai kesenangan kami dengan menonton film. Si MEGAMIND datang terlambat, jadi saya yang mengantri. Beuhh!! mengantri film pada hari2 nomat adalah kesalahan bagi tante-tante seperti saya. I felt just like misplaced!! Stranded in foreign planet full with teenagers babblers. Setelah mengantri di barisan yang menjemukan, saya mendapat dua tiket untuk Gulliver's Travels!! Sipirrilli!!

Sumpahhhh!! Film ini sangat kocak!! Dua aktor favorit saya ada di film ini; Jack Black dan Jason Segel. Kami berdua tahu kalau Jack Black akan ada di film ini, tapi kami sama sekali tidak tahu kalau Jason Segel juga akan muncul, so.. when we saw his face, we excitedly and spontaneously screamed; MARSHALLL!! (Marshal Erickson from HIMYM). We laughed all through the movie. Ini adalah kejutan yang sangat kocak untuk kami.

Setelah itu kami berKARAOKEEE!! Empat lagu yang kami pilih adalah Mr. Brightside-The Killers (skor; 99), Firefies-Owl City (Skor; 98), Viva La Vida-Coldplay (skor; 96), dan Hot n Cold-Katty Perry (skor; 96). See how the scors go??  The more songs we sang, the lower scores we got as our voice has dried away, LOL..

Saat kami menyanyikan lagu Viva La Vida, ada yang aneh dengan teks lagunya. Jadi, alih-alih; "I hear Jerusalem bells are ringing.. Roman cavalries are singing.. Be my mirror my sword my shield.." teksnya jadi; "I hear TERRORIST and bells are singing.. Roman can't be speaking.." Hahaha.. that was just another mind-crackerfor us that evening.

And after that we talked. We had serious conversation about life. From Megamind Igot good lessons. One of them is; BERHENTI HIDUP DI BAWAH BAYANG_BAYANG EKSPPEKTASI ORANG! Apalagi orang2 yang g signifikan dalam hidup lu!

Kadang-kadang, untuk bisa survive bersosialisasi, saya sering menutupi RASA TIDAK SUKA saya terhadap orang-orang atau sesuatu. Padahal nyatanya, hal itu sangatlah tidak berguna, baik bagi saya maupun bagi orang-orang yang saya "kelabui" itu. Orang-orang hanya bisa berekspektasi  dan kemudian menilai kita dari harapan-harapan mereka, dan sekalinya mereka tahu bahwa kita tidak seperti yang mereka gadang-gadangkan, mereka akan langsung menge-cap kita dengan tuduhan-tuduhan yang sangat tidak masuk akal. Dan untuk menghindari itu, lebih baik mulai sekarang kita menjadi diri kita apa adanya saja.

Yeahh,, tapi semua hal memang ada risikonya. Kalau kita memilih jalan ini, kita harus siap untuk  berkonfrontasi. Tapi mengapa tidak?! Memperjuangkan apa yang kita percayai dengan sedikit konfrontasi saya rasa akan sangat impas.

Jadi intinya, unemployed is awesome, wkwkkwkw.. Biar saya tidak punya pekerjaan, tapi hati saya damai ^^

Monday, January 3, 2011


Here comes NEW YEAR! When it comes to the NEW YEAR EVE, many people are getting excited to make wishes for their better future. But me, I like to make memories rather than hoping on something that I haven't got yet. Well, it doesn't mean that I don't believe in the power of believing, but to me, I don't like to be sounded dictating God on deciding what best on me. Who am I anyway to tell God what good for me. So, this year, instead of making wishes, I make many of pictures with my best friends to remember our days..Thanks for my dearest friends who spent their NEW YEAR eve with me in my rough days.  And especially for MIKAT and her mom who served the most delicious foods ever. Your lasagnas, zupa-zupa,  and shabu-shabu are the bestest! LOVE U GIRLS!!