And for sure many things has happened in my little life
First, we are now in the year of 2013, and I wish same with what most of the 7 billions other people in the whole world wish: HAPPINESS!
Talking about happiness, secretly, whenever I meet or talk with new person, I have this habit to scale their happiness. Like, if he is nice to me, then I score his happiness with 10 from 1 to 10. That score then will gradually cut down whenever he do something less pleasing.
Hahaa.. I know, it's all the standard of me-based, but hey, it is my blog, it is my life, so if you don't accept it, move away!
So, about my life.. It is still pretty standard. I'm still stucked here for unpredictable time. But good news is, last week I spent whole week back home it was pretty awesome. I met my family and friends. But bad things come side by side with good ones.
Soon, I will be completely alone here as my boss and my friend will move out to another island. I dont know what will happening in my life after this but I am ready to pack up my backpack anytime. *griiinnn*
Again, about happiness, I have this theory..
The least happy someone in his life, the more he will do good in the world. So, in other word, I believe if someone is happy he will care less with his surroundings.
For the evidence, most of the superheroes, be it in the comics or in the real life, are those whose life is not happy.
Bruce Wayne dealing with the death of his parents. Martin Luther King is obviously was bullied with his identity.
So, my point is, the more someone is unhappy, the more he tries hard to fix the situations around him so that he can get the satisfaction of eliminating the unhappy feeling.
Musing about that then I realize, am I happy? I'm not a superman, I don't remember I like to do good deeds for my surroundings but yet I feel empty in my life.
What am I missing here?

Philosophers and religious thinkers often define happiness in terms of living a good life, or flourishing, rather than simply as an emotion.