I used to babysit many of my little cousins and they do like me, and even now, they still nominate me as big sist cousin favorite ever. And when I part-ed job at Kumon, kids liked me. I was some of kids fave mentor. Well, all good sides always come with bad sides, when I gave private lesson, some kids also hated me as I tended to lose my temper when I teached them

But, it doesn't matter, the point is.. most of the time kids love me. And I love kids too *those who love me back, even those who don't they should still be cute!

So on one fine morning, I get a chance to tame her little terrified heart and play with her and take her, here are the picts:
See those expression on Tatochi's face? That little girl is really don't like me. It seems like she was terrorized by my presence and she tried to avoid being around me. She even do not want to look at the cam, maybe for her it's such an embarrassment to be with me. Oh Tatochi, am I that bad in front of your eyes?

But why Tatochi? why you can't like me? WHYYYY??!!!

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