I meant, once and awhile I eat it when my mood is good for that. Because.. whenever I eat bakso, it leave me bad aftertaste. Just like this one.

This is another my favorite bakso cafe. It's called "Bakso Semar". Bakso is meatball, basically, it is made of beef meat mixed with wheat flour. It is served with beef stalk soup. But, in bakso Semar, what makes it special is.. the ribs!! Yeah, it's so yummy! Hmm.. not really, because it's too much "beef-ey" so it gives me bad feeling like nausea after eat it. I don't know why.

But for those who are fans of bakso, ylu should try this Bakso Semar in Cihampelas street in Bandung, only with Rp15.000, you'll be satisfied.

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