In 2016 the world will change greatly.
As seen in most of sci-fi movies, our world may be greatly influenced by technology to the extend that we would've never imagined. Our way of communication may change from merely mobile phone to something more sophisticated like using hologram technique or so.
But how about me.. at that time I will turn to be 31 years old.
Being 31, I will be the very happiest person in the world #hopefully!#
I will be an expertise journalist, I will have already been to every country in the world to cover on issues I care about such as gender bias and education. I will fight to promote fairness and freedom in making this world to be a better place to live in. My writings will influence many people to make good decisions.
In my 31 of age, I will be free from hatred. I will spread only love to every one.
I will be married to an astronomer or a painter or a dorky loving physicist who appreciate my work and support me with all I do. He will be not more than 45, red heads or has silver hair, wearing glasses like me :p, and can speak at least 5 different language. Or he can be an Indian or African, but definitely not Japanese, Korean, or Chinese or Australian :p (Trust me, It's all a matter of personal taste, nothing to do with race or anything!)
Me and my husband met when I was 26 at a one fine day in May or June. I love him because he is my musical soul mate. He sings me Radiohead's song and know all about MEW.
I will have already a smart and beautiful son of 1. He will looks like his granny. He likes to gaze the sky and paint doodles, and sing. His first word will be Love. And he will be raised in a politically correct slash hippy slash happy family.
When I'm 31, all of my friends will love me and my family are happy. I will have a nice house in Sweden or Denmark as mu husband work there. I will gain my ideal weight and be more healthy.

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