Tuesday, January 10, 2012

self affirmation

 I once read (somewhere randomly):

"Affirmations are positive statements that describe a desired situation, and which are repeated many times, in order to impress the subconscious mind and trigger it into positive action."

After reading that, one question arose from my stubborn head, why would people keep on promising to improve themselves with such positive statements while they always fall short? 

Maybe the answer is because we, as human being, need hopes in order to continue living.

The point in doing self affirmation is to give hope for ourselves so that we can keep on believing someday in the future we can live in better life.

Let's face it, what make us survive this life when we already know that life's bitch? HOPE! We are hoping that things will change. We pray for good things will happen. 

Though in the post process after that affirming, most of us will fall short from our commitment.  But it doesn't matter. What matter is we try to make it happen.

So, after all those blah blah words, here goes my resolutions as my self affirmation (within a year):

1. I will explore my spiritual life. So that I will understand more about me (the only God mystery I hardly understand.)

2. I will loose weight. There will be no foods after 6pm.

3. I will grow my hairs.

4. I will write more. I will improve my quality.

5. I will look for and finally get scholarship in economics, or history, or social studies.

and the list will keep on going..


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